Different conditions and proofs for obtaining a work permit for an agent-foreigner if the company has not yet been in business for 6 months and if the company has been in business for at least 6 months.
Different conditions and proofs for obtaining a work permit for an agent-foreigner if the company has not yet been in business for 6 months and if the company has been in business for at least 6 months.
Work permit for the majority owner of a company (e.g. if there are two owners - founders, the one who has the majority share, e.g. 51%, is entitled to this permit).
When you describe your company's products and services in your own words, you take ownership of the way your customers and stakeholders perceive them. Your descriptions of the products and services you provide will depend on your audience and on what you're trying to achieve.
The employment permit is issued on condition that there are no corresponding domestic unemployed persons in the records of the Employment Service or persons who are equal to citizens of the Republic of Slovenia in terms of employment rights.
We also provide services for the extension of the employment permit or work permit.
A work permit alone is not sufficient to register a foreigner's residence in Slovenia, but a foreigner needs a residence permit. The residence permit is arranged by the consular representation of the Republic of Slovenia in the country of origin of the alien - third-country national. Only then can the foreigner start work or employment in Slovenia. BetaFinance d.o.o. can help you here, as we advise and assist you in obtaining all the necessary documentation required by the Republic of Slovenia to obtain a work permit.